Travel Day is exhausting…whether it goes smoothly or difficult…one is tired from the day! Some of us had a relatively smooth travel day while others had a more difficult or ‘interesting’ Travel Day. More on that later.
First FOR THE PARTICIPANTS…I was incorrect in the email I sent on behalf of the recommendations for Per. The correct email is: Please remember not to write anything about the special stops off our itinerary.
The group was so wonderful at being prompt gathering at the hotel that we were able to leave a few minutes early! Our breakfasts-to-go were also ready on time. That made the transition between the hotel and Oslo airport such a smooth one.
I wish I had my camera in hand when we left the hotel, for there standing on the sidewalk to wish us goodbye was Kathleen and “Mr. Ernst.” Arm in arm, they waved us goodbye!
KLM was wonderful at adding a third check-in person, that the check-in for the group went fairly quickly. It was difficult to say goodbye to so many new and wonderful friends!
Rebecca and I then went outside the terminal and leisurely ate our breakfasts. We had 2 ½ hours to wait four flight. Finally when it was time to leave, we boarded and found out that Amsterdam had only two runways so we sat on the plane for 35 minutes. Worried not only about our fast turn around in Amsterdam, we worried that maybe the group encountered the same difficulties. On this flight we had an unruly passenger on the plane. Being that the passenger was way in back, we’re unsure what happened, but Rebecca heard the loud shouts and it was eventually resolved.
Finally off, we landed in Amsterdam and the wheelchair assistance was right there at the gate for her. A total difference from our trip over! However, because Rebecca used wheelchair assistance, we were separated for a bit. When the frantic passengers attempted to de-board and get up the escalator, one pushed me aside. There went my carry-on down one step and luckily I was able to retrieve it, but not without falling down a step myself. I don’t begrudge the woman as I know the scary feeling of getting to the next flight, but it was a little scary. I was so close to getting home, and had I totally fallen, I would have taken a few people with me!
The distance between planes was also cut by at least ½ or more. We arrived on time for our next flight despite the lateness of the first leg. However, we know of at least one participant whose flight did not make it to the gate, and the passengers of that plane debarked and were bussed to the terminal. I can only assume that the group-going-to-Chicago’s plane did like our plane….delayed departure time so that more flight connections could be made. However, the wheelchair-assisted group were the very last to get onto the plane! This delay in Amsterdam was fine for us as we had a more-than-four-hour layover in Minneapolis. About two-thirds of the way to the States, an announcement came on that there was a medical emergency and that any doctors or medical staff on board needed to go to the back of the plane. A second ‘back of the plane’ incident in two back-to-back flights! Wondering if we were going to be diverted to somewhere else, I checked the map to see where the plane was located, and we had just crossed into Canada. However, we weren’t, so the condition must not have been an immediate life-and-death situation.
Upon arrival in Minneapolis, all passengers had to be seated until the paramedics came on board to retrieved the person needing medical assistance. Passengers were good about following directions.
Our layover in Minneapolis was long, and like our previous two flights also delayed. But eventually we boarded and the short flight to Madison was quick. Finally home, I could meet my hubby and sleep in my own bed. After 25 hours of travel, I was home. Rebecca returns to Decorah today.
FOR THE PARTICIPANTS….once my computer is fixed, I will work on photos and get something to you…I am unsure of when…it’s all dependent on if they need to replace the motherboard of my computer.
“It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.”
Thank you for being the group you were. You are all so very special! I will more-than-likely post one more time in a week or so to update folks on any additional things. Remember to those who haven’t texted or emailed yet…I will check in with you if you don’t check in with me! :) Rest up…stay healthy…and relive those wonderful memories we’ve had of Norway!

Arrived home safely on the Chicago flight. All went well on board even with children and babies! Sorry to hear your flights were more disturbing but grateful you also arrived safely!
Thank you and Rebecca for ALL you did to make the trip so memorable. You are both greatly appreciated!