“A story about proud, strong women and bitter dark secrets. In her richly detailed and multiple-faceted mystery, Kathleen Ernst skillfully intertwines the past with the present as Chloe Ellefson searches for her family roots in Norway amid escalating danger.”
Patricia Skalka, Winner of the Edna Ferber Fiction Book Award
Imagine a book that takes 30 strangers from as far west as California and as far east as Maryland and many places in between, put them together traveling via plane, bus, and ferry to points of interest, following the footsteps of the main characters Chloe and Roelke. Imagine a book where participants eagerly discuss the book’s characters, relationship, and future. Imagine a book that allows participants to reflect back to their own ancestry and what life was like for their own ancestors. Imagine a book that allowed a country to show its natural beauty and culture at the same time. Imagine a book that brought strangers together and now have become a little family. Kathleen’s book, Fiddling with Fate, did just that!
Today was a free day for the participants…some met with family, some traveled out to Vigeland Park, while others visited the Resistance Museum, Akershus, City Hall, and the Opera House. For Rebecca and I, we first chose to sleep in a tad and then finished things for the evening’s last dinner. We then took time away from museums and walked to the palace and grounds. We spoke to a sweet Palace guard who explained that his duty consisted of two hours on, two hours off, two hours on, and then four hours off. That said schedule went on for four days and then he would have three days off. We also watched the changing of the guards. In precise marching the change occurred with the commander marching the first replacement in line to the on duty officer. They exchanged equipment and then the commander marched the retired officer to the end of the line. Then the line continued on to the next station.
We attempted to visit City Hall where I wanted to see the new weaving there, but alas, the building was closed in preparation for the NATO Summit. We’ve seen much more police officers around than three weeks ago. Maybe it’s due to the NATO Summit and the USS Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier coming into port today.
We thoroughly enjoyed walking the greenway between the palace and the Storting, along Karl Johan Gate. The morning/early afternoon was sunny and the temperature was mild. We watched them clean and then fill the water fountain, which in winter time is a large ice skating rink. The trees are now fully leafed-out and the smell of lilacs was most pleasant.
A wonderful lunch was eaten at Egon. We had a lovely table outside with delicious food. While eating, we heard drums in the distance. Looking down the road, we saw someone on a horse…then two horses…then three. The drumming became louder and louder, and eventually we heard music. Lo and behold, we witnessed three police officers on mounted horses - two on the street and one of the sidewalk across from us leading a band of soldiers and a group of soldiers with rifles parading down the street from Akershus (there is a military base there) to the palace. What a sight it was!
We met a distance cousin who is The Storting (Parliament) Secretariat. We were so lucky that he invited us there! Security was VERY tight. We first walked through scanners and then into a little room. We had to remain in that room until the door behind us closed. Then the door in front of us was opened. Jarle met us in the lobby and gave us a private tour. We learned much about the Norwegian government since he is responsible for all the Storting's constitutional and parliamentary activities. He was even so kind as to sit in his chair at the front of the chamber so that we could take a photo of him!
We had our last dinner as a group tonight, and tomorrow the majority of us head home while a few are heading to other parts of Belgium, Germany, and Denmark.
For those participants wanting to send a letter of recommendation on behalf of Kees, please send to both Sanna at sanna@robinson.no and Christian at christian@bergenbyexpert.no. Please see me if you wish Kees’s personal email address. He would LOVE photos, copies of the poems, limericks, etc.
To send a letter of recommendation on behalf of Per, please send to 939260870-NO@azetsinvoice.com. BUT PLEASE NOTE THIS: Do NOT mention that Per took us additional places off the itinerary….that would get him into trouble!
